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Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring has Sprung, the sun is shining but wait…. If like the team here, you have not been outside as much as usual during the Winter period the sudden sunlight may be encouraging you (or showing all the areas that need attention) to do some Spring cleaning keep reading. Living on the Fleurieu, chances are

Things to consider before building

Building a home can be an exciting project to embark on, but there are many costs that are often forgotten about when building your first home.  Most people forget to consider costs such as paying rent whilst building, council fees, and preparing the block of land on top of other financial aspects. Factoring in these

Stamp Duty

Understanding Stamp Duty in 2018   Buying a new home can be overwhelming especially for first home buyers as it is the largest transaction that most people will make in their lifetime. Working out how much tax to pay is difficult But what is stamp duty? Stamp duty is the revenue levied by states on

3 Hidden Costs When Buying a Property

Investing in property is smart, but some go into this journey with only some of the facts on the costs involved, and for some it’s those extra costs that stop them short of fulfilling their dream of owning property. So when buying a property, your savings or home deposit don’t always get you across the

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